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My name is Ian Phillips, and I’m running for State Assembly.

I’m a common-sense Democrat, and I’m an optimist. But like you, I’m fed up with the angry rhetoric and finger-pointing coming out of Albany. That behavior doesn’t accomplish anything, and I know we can do better.

I grew up right here in Central New York, just like my parents and grandparents before me. My grandparents raised their large families in modest, middle-class neighborhoods and were able to do so on a single income. My mom raised my brother and me on her own in the 80’s and 90’s. It was tough, but she was able to work full-time, put herself through nursing school, and eventually purchase a home.

But now, with thousands of dollars in student debt, record high prices at the grocery store, and a lack of good-paying local jobs – the American Dream has become a pipe dream. It has become almost impossible for two working parents, much less a single working parent, to purchase a home.

Our families are living paycheck to paycheck, our young people are struggling with mental health crises, and our seniors are forced to choose between life-saving prescriptions and groceries. Yet our current Assemblyman only wants to talk about divisive and manufactured issues designed to distract us from everyday reality. These fringe issues divide us and prevent us from holding him accountable for his failure to address the very real needs of Central New Yorkers.

In my work with local educators, I’ve fought for and achieved smaller class sizes, fair funding for our school district from New York State, and free before and after school for our kids. At the same time, I’ve stood up to extremists who would rather spend time banning books than develop new ways to invest in our kids’ futures.  

As your Assemblyman, I will tackle the affordability crisis plaguing our families, bring good jobs to the area, and protect our air and water. These are tough challenges; they are real and impact people’s lives.  I am a reality-based candidate running against an incumbent who would prefer to talk about wedge social issues that do not impact daily life.

I believe strongly that most of our neighbors are reasonable people who want their elected officials to get things done. That’s why I’m running - to deliver on the issues my neighbors care about. I hope I can earn your support and your vote. 

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