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I’m running to deliver on the issues my neighbors care about.



Ian has dedicated his career to ensuring that our kids get the best education and that our teachers and administrators have the resources they need to succeed. From his time organizing parents to demand increased school funding, to teaching in inner-city public schools, to being a union organizer for New York State United Teachers, Ian is always fighting to increase access to educational opportunities.

Ian has been a member of the Auburn School Board for the past six years, serving as President for the past three years. In that time, class sizes have been lowered, free before-school and after-school programs have been added, 4th-grade music programs have been restored, and STEM specialized teachers have been added to all grade levels to promote the skills of tomorrow - all while lowering the district tax rate by 14%.

As our Assemblymember, Ian will fight to ensure our schools are fully funded and expand access to free or low-cost before and after-school programs.